Infrared Sauna

30-minute session:

1 credit = $40/session*
5 Credit Package = $35/session*
10 Credit package = $30/session*

*hst applies

50-minute session:

1 credit = $65/session*
5 Credit Package = $60/session*
10 Credit package = $55/session*

*hst applies

We have selected the top line of infrared sauna in the industry which includes full spectrum infrared therapy. Our Sunlighten sauna is environmentally safe, ultra-low EMF, has 5 SoloCarbon infrared light therapy heaters and 2 full spectrum high intensity heaters for clinically-proven effective health benefits. Our Infrared sauna also comes equipped with chromotherapy (light therapy) and Bluetooth speakers for use while in your private session.

Infrared VS Traditional Sauna

Traditional saunas rely on humidity to heat up the room and air around you, this causes the room to feel hot and heavy. Infrared saunas work by heating the body directly through wavelengths of light. No steam is produced resulting in a deeper heat penetration throughout the body that maximizes the positive effects of infrared therapy.

This unique experience will restore both your body and mind in the following ways:

Detoxification – Sweat is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health. Infrared sauna promotes effortless, deep, productive sweat that will leave you feeling cleansed, refreshed and energized. 

Improved circulation - The beneficial effects of sauna use have been linked to improved vascular function, reduced inflammation, and reduced blood pressure. Frequent sauna use may decrease the risk of dementia and cardiovascular disease by reducing its risk factors, such as hypertension, vascular problems, and inflammation. 

Purifies the skin – Infrared sauna delivers energy to cells stimulating production of collagen and elastin. Over time, those increases create thicker, younger looking skin, decrease lines, fade scars, and promote skin renewal, cell health and tissue growth.

Improves immunity – Infrared sauna helps your cell health and overall immunity by causing a significant increase in your body’s natural infection fighting cells.  

Muscle relaxation and pain relief - Whether you’re a competitive athlete, weekend golfer or simply trying to stay active, proper muscle recovery impacts your ability to keep doing what you love. Infrared sauna therapy penetrates muscles deeper, increases blood flow and helps the body recover faster so you can stay in the game, of sports and life 

Weight loss - While sweating out calories after your workout might sound too good to be true, the heat generated by an infrared sauna causes your heart rate to increase – similar to moderate exercise. As your heart rate increases, so do the calories you burn.  Extend your workout with “passive cardio” and reap the benefits while you recover.  

Improved sleep – Exercise and Infrared sauna equate to positive stress during the day in order to accumulate what is known as “sleep pressure”. This “sleep pressure” will help you develop a deeper, more restorative sleep. An infrared sauna in the evening can result in lowering overall body temperature as you cool down. Infrared sauna also decreases cortisol levels created by daily stress and induces relaxation which in turn also aids sleep.

**If you have a medical condition, are on medications, or have implanted devices you should speak with your physician before using infrared sauna.**